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Kafanas by city

Pre 22 godine iy Nisa sam dobila na poklon stihove Kazandžijsko sokače (Coppersmith's Alley)

Najbolja jagnjetina u gradu, uz Bovinovu tamjaniku Mali podrum (English explanation or translation: Small Basement)

Totalni neprofesionalizam,već drugi put ,iako Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)

Pa jel ima salata il nema?! Samo dunja i kisela?in Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort)

Haaahhha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!in Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)

Interesting facts

Master Kafanas

Master Kafanas

A few funny professors decided that  'Multimedia Transcedent Kafana's Scenography in the Innkeeper's Practice' is more than a satisfying M. A. examination and, while having meals and drinks, awarded the student a Master's degree. One day, an unbearable kafana's scenography attracted a...


A Niš's Bohemian

AVDA ZEKIĆ, the famous Niš's bohemian and drunkard, born at the beginning of the 30's of the 20th century in Niš, in a part of the town called Čair. He was a house painter by profession, but not rarely was he to put aside his job for 'kafančenje' (this is a Serbian term used when...

Kafana Gral (Grail)

Gral (Grail)

Far away from the city, isolated, framed by idyllic, ambiental feeling of remoteness from our worries and problems, a place where you won't think about having a bad day. Sitting in a chair where today won't be the same; today will resemble a different day. A unique oppotunity  to forget everything or to recall everything.

Certainly it isn't a place for old bohemians, drunkards, poets, artists...

However, it has a unique offer in its menu. Veal, whether as burgers or other combinations along with the kafana's tricks, you won't make a mistake. Food has a quality which goes along to the ambience. If you are a 'meraklija', a hedonist above all, we recommend "Gral" ("Grail") kafana to you as a favourite destination you will hardly ever forget.

A place for a family, friends-and-family, or simply I-am-hungry-and-I-want-a-good-bite type of pleasure.

In the garden, there is a tile stove which is far more than just an ornament. If you 'grow on' the owner, it may become a tool for making veal specialities 'ispod sača' ( 'sač' is a large metal lid like a shallow bell used to bake bread or meat and vegetables which remain saucy and rich in taste), in this or in other ways. Rumour has it that when the kafana was opened there was an old master of his trade who used to make specialties like no other, especially in this stove.

Today- only for the exclusive guests, but the possibility of  starting the fire gives us hope that 'sač', altogether with its old masters and our people's history, won't escape from the everyday life.

 Здравке Вучковић 8, Nis

  • Додатни коментар

    Иако од домаћих ракија имају само дуњу, она је на идеалној радној темперетури што гарантује квалитетну конзумацију.

  • Додатни коментар

    Ваљало би пробати катунски сач, пастрмку у ћерамиди...

  • Додатни коментар

    Гастрономски соте, па мало телећих медањона, чудо!!! Такође препоручујемо телетину у 101 варијанти, испод сача (каљава пећ је иначе у башти кафане).

  • Додатни коментар

    Услуга добија оцену 10+! Нема чекања на конобара, нема једноставно негативних вибрација. Дођете да се опустите и да уживате у идиличном окружењу и услузи.

  • Врста

    Једна од заиста ретких кафана где можете слушати страну музику. Изузетан укус по том питању и највиша оцена (знамо да није за праве мераклије, али ипак нам је некако ова кафана мала оаза мира).

  • Башта

    Најбољи баштенски амбијент, иако има места за само 20ак особа. Више интимнија атмосфера, није за банчење.

  • Додатни коментар

    Амбијент кафане је нешто што се ретко виђа, намењен одмору од животне свакодневице. Свакако је добро замезити уз коју, док слушате цврчке у башти, далеко од градске вреве.

Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail) Gral (Grail)